Build Trusted Data

Helps to build robust applications/solutions on stable data foundation using full data lifecycle APIs & built-in data/business


Substantially low implementation time for any new data entity or new domain (solar, wind etc.) because of modular rules packages


Capability to deploy workflows for complex corporate specific data quality and enrichment requirement


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Build & Maintain consumption ready data

Alloy is a platform to build trusted data in OSDU, available on-premise or in the cloud. It is equipped with built-in data quality rules derived from OSDU standards that control the ingestion of data.

Applicable for conventional and new energy streams

Build/Maintains trusted data with built-in business rules derived from OSDU standards

Discovers gaps in data and corporate wide strategies can be planned to fix/enrich it

Extremely scalable cloud native application

Spend less time & resources to deploy fit-for-purpose data


Pre Ingest

Alloy rich set of APIs will help to check quality of data before ingesting it to OSDU data platform. This will reduce garbage data and eventually reduces enrichment stages to make that data fit-for-purpose.

Post Ingest

Detect gaps in data using Alloy's APIs and various UI options and governance team can plan strategies to fix and enrich that data.Also as part of Alloy's Data Observability system can perform quality checks automatically


With underlying plug and plug play framework of Alloy, manual or automatic workflows can be deployed to fix potential errors and fit-for-purpose data will be persisted back to OSDU data platform to have stable data foundation

Impact Analysis

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System presents a quick overview of impact of a rule or error

This will help to know major issue across complete data set and relevant action can be taken to fix those major errors.So, with Rule Impact, system shows how many records are affected which eventually may help to diagnose common cause.
Likewise with Error Impact, it shows how many records are being affected by same error.

Alloy will pick any crucial errors including integrity , patterns , data type and missing of required properties in pre-ingest and post-ingest stage.

Built-in Rules Library

Extend QC scope to produce high quality data

Alloy comes with built-in quality rules aligned with the emerging requirements of the OSDU Technical Standard that be used straight away without spending time and resources on development of industry standard business/data rules. Further more corporate specific rules can be added to this library to broaden QC scope


OSDU Data Browser

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Browse data of know quality

Rich UI presents details of selected entity along with quality run performed over the time. This will help to drill down quality attributes of entity scanned to know violation of data/business rules in past.
Also time series widget will help to see if quality of your data has improved over time.

Quality Check Details

Drill down capability to check quality issues

Our rich user interface will presents detailed report of issues along with score card of your data set. This will help to plan strategies to fix and enrich data.




Free for OSDU Members


Drill-down capabilities

Post Ingest QC Check

Auto QC Check

In app documentation

OSDU Schema based checks

Impact (Rule & Error) Analysis

Quality coverage analysis

External Identity Provider (Azure AD, AWS Cognito etc.) integration


Everything from Basic

Data Rules For Schema Attributes

Support to add custom data/business rules

Embed Alloy UI Widgets in other applications


Everything from Starter

Built-In Business Rules

Pre-Ingest APIs

Post-Ingest APIs

Store QC results in OSDU

Update OSDU with additional info (Tags)

QC Profiles

Deployment Available For
